Saturday, September 20, 2014

Phonar Notes

Any person who can captivate an image is a photographer
Photographs are fixed in time
Only 2 dimensional but could become 3 in the future
During its apex Kodak employed hundreds of people while Instagram had about a dozen people staffed
All photographs are images, not all images are photographs much like all squares are rectangles not all rectangles are squares
There were 4.5 million photos put on Flickr every day in 2010
Lenses create a round image but these are modified to be square/rectangles
The medium is the message, how and where we get things defines them so photos are very different from drawings or descriptive writing
All media comes from how we understood previous ones example writing was understood as talking, radio as talking/writing, television as radio with visual etc.
The majority of the human race now has the ability to create their own photos and images then share them with others
Definition of Transmedia - stories told of a multiple platform (novel, fan fiction, movie, video games)
Trusted source: if source was credible from previous output
connected - heard by people who are most interested with your work, not just a "supplier of photography"
The internet allows us to share our stories and experiences with others
Photographers are skilled artist just like a painter or sculptor
With modern technology photograph is no longer bound to the limitation as we can share, edit, and create new things with people all over the world
Photography is and has changed the world yet could still do so much more
Horrible photos of war, death, and famine have generated support ranging from World Wars, to charity, and inspiration to research and find solutions
Photography is far from dead, I think it is in a Renaissance reshaping itself to fit into the modern world

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